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Chapter 37. The Glory of Mani

November 1, 2012

1. Maran Mani, the Messenger of Light, the Tongue that speaks no lie, our Glorious Father, the Gentle One that loves his children, the Tree of Life full of joyous fruit – he gives life to the dead and illumines those in darkness. Mani is a King of Light, the Spirit of the Light, Father of the blessing, compassionate and incorruptible, Place of Repose, also the Mind and the Wisdom that dwell in his Scriptures, his Five Holy Books!

2. You are the supreme Self, you are the First and Last, the immortal Wind of Life, for you are the proclaimer of Truth in the Beginning, the Middle, and the End. Fortunate for us that through you we learned and accepted your teaching!

3. When I think of you, my Lord, great is the fear that surrounds me; when I desire to give you glory, I do not find to whom I should compare you! To what shall you, my Lord? I shall compare you with the Sun that shines forth, that comes daily with his rays and gives delight to all created things! Who will not rejoice when the Sun is about to shine on him? To what shall I compare you, O Beloved? I shall compare you with a great River that gives gladness to the worlds and the waters of life to the parched fields! I shall compare you to a good Farmer who cares for his trees and daily gathers their fruits! When I seek you I find you within, shining upon me; perhaps I too am worthy to hear the divine Call! When I myself come to you, fair is your glory in my mouth, my Lord!

From → Karuzuta

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